Merino mince
Gourmet mince from merino sheep farmed in the Rhön.
Ingredients: Chicken*
* organically grown
For our whole chickens, we work with Biofino – an experienced organic poultry processor from northern Germany. The majority of animals are raised on small, family-run farms, with some holdings being overseen directly by Biofino.
In line with Naturland standards, lower stock densities are used. The animals live in a natural environment with guaranteed access to the outdoors, space to roam and daylight in their barns. The chickens receive nutrient-rich feed which is made from at least 95% organic ingredients, GM-free and contains no additives. Any diseases that occur are treated using natural methods wherever possible. When it comes to slaughtering, attention is paid to short transport distances in order to minimise stress for the animals.
Our processor uses a closed-loop system from breeding to processing. The broiler chicks are bred from animals owned by the farm and hatch at its organic hatchery.
Broilers are slaughtered when they are 60–70 days old.
“Wir arbeiten ganzheitlich. Wir wollen einen achtsamen Umgang mit den Tieren garantieren – und zwar durchgängig, von unserer eigenen Aufzucht bis zur Schlachtung. Wir können jeden einzelnen Schritt in der geschlossenen Prozesskette kontrollieren und nachverfolgen und so beste Qualität und eine hohe Produktsicherheit garantieren.”